
1.Python Fundamentals

Language fundamentals Introduction Applications of python Features of python Limitations of python Flavors of python Python versions Identifiers Reserved words Data types(14 data types)  Type casting Introduction Python is a programming language is used to develop applications (gmail, web development), it is a high level(programmer friendly language rather than that of machine friendly language), General purpose(not specific to one type of application) a =10 b=20 c=30 if a>b else 40 print(c) Who developed python? Guido Van Rossum in 1989 National Research Institute in Netherlands and released in 1991 on Feb 20, java came in 1995 and released officially in 1996. Python is older than java. Python Trend: market requirements changes from time to time. 1. Simple language & easy to understand 2. Very less code/ concise code 3.AI,ML,DL,NN 4.IOT Benefits of python easy to understand short There is no pre-requisite to learn python, no need to declare type explicitly(Dynamically typed pro

Missing Data Imputation

 Data Preprocessing Missing Data Imputation Why are their Missing values?? Survey--Depression Survey They hesitate to put down the information Survey informations are not that valid Men--salary Women---age People may have died----NAN What are the different types of Missing Data? Missing Completely at Random, MCAR:  A variable is missing completely at random (MCAR) if the probability of being missing is the same for all the observations. When data is MCAR, there is absolutely no relationship between the data missing and any other values, observed or missing, within the dataset. In other words, those missing data points are a random subset of the data. There is nothing systematic going on that makes some data more likely to be missing than other. e.g.  df [ df [ 'Embarked' ] . isnull ()] PassengerId Survived Pclass Name Sex Age SibSp Parch Ticket Fare Cabin Embarked 61 62 1 1 Icard, Miss. Amelie female 38.0 0 0 113572 80.0 B28 NaN 829 830 1 1 Stone, Mrs. George Nelson (Martha Ev